My Story

I have struggled with weight gain / weight loss my entire adult life. I have gained and lost 100’s of lbs over the past 3 decades. Meeting-based weight loss programs, doctor supervised weight loss, self-help books, dieticians, and personal trainers have all helped me achieve some degree of success. In 2011, I was diagnosed with cancer and after surgeries and chemotherapy I am an official cancer survivor. If my digestive system / metabolism wasn’t already confused prior to cancer treatment I am convinced it is now.

I have watched many documentaries regarding health and nutrition. I eat real food. Grass fed, organic, natural, whole food when I have control over my food sources. One of my current problems is that I travel for a living so I don’t always have control over what may be available. I decided that I can control how much I eat and how often.

One of the methods of health and nutrition that actually made sense to me was Intermittent Fasting. If I can restrict my “feeding window” to 1 hour a day then I will be in a fasting state for the next 23 hours. This is the foundation of my experiment for eating … Just One Meal a Day.

UPDATE: I am embarking on a strict fast regimen to see if I can Reboot / Kickstart my journey to health. Follow along!